Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Oh, it's what you do to me

This is Delilah. We took Delilah from a friend of mine from work. That's an interesting story but maybe another time. Delilah is an awesome dog. She loves to play squeaky balls and go on runs at the park. She scams for treats like a pro. When I think about what Delilah must be thinking, I always hear Kristen Schaal's voice (Flight of the Concordes or Bob's Burgers). She's an amazing companion and something that I didn't even realize I was missing. It took getting her to realize how much I missed coming home to someone when I worked late or cuddling up late at night on the couch with after the husband has gone to bed, me coming home a couple of hours later from work. She has brought us together more, going for walks as a family or sitting around playing keep away. She's the little boost we never knew we were missing.

Just don't wake her up unexpectedly.

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